Covid-19 Policy

Thunder Bay Folk Fest COVID-19 Policy

August 21, 2022

COVID 19 Information and Guidelines for 2022 Thunder Bay Folk Festival

The Thunder Bay Folk Society (TBFS) strongly encourages that non-vaccinated volunteers, including performers, vendors, etc. be masked while working.  TBFS encourages all attendees and volunteers to be up to date with vaccines before the festival.

Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 at large outdoor gatherings is substantially lower than at indoor gatherings, TBFS recognizes that the infection rate is still going strong.  Safe, free and highly effective vaccines are widely available to everyone ages 5 and up.  Accordingly, to protect the health of all festival attendees and to reduce liability to the Society, the following guidelines must be observed:

  • If you are eligible to receive a vaccine, you are strongly encouraged to become fully vaccinated at least 2 weeks before the festival.

  • Those who choose not to become vaccinated are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19, 2 to 3 days before the festival.

  • Anyone testing positive must stay home.

  • Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.

  • We recognize that everyone has different opinions about this subject, so you are strongly encouraged to practice social distancing whenever possible, and when this is not possible, wear a mask.

  • Additional handwashing stations and hand sanitizer are available throughout the festival grounds.  Please use them often.

  • Face masks are available for free at front gate and the merchandise tent.

  • The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will be on site during the festival providing free COVID-19 testing and vaccinations to those that are unimmunized.  Please take advantage of this service.

  • We want you to have fun this weekend!  But PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTFUL.  Help keep your friends, family and community safe.